Community Links

Community Links

At Hollybush, we pride ourselves on our links with the Parish, the community and with other organisations. Below is a sample of some of these links which add value to the experiences of our pupils.

  • We have a close working relationship with our Chaplain and Parish Priest, Fr Mc Devitt; with Stephen Deighan, the Parish Faith Coordinator, and with other pastoral groups who are involved closely with the work of the school at various times throughout the year.
  • We work with Thornhill staff and students on the Numeracy Enrichment Programme and on the Faith Friends Programme for primary four pupils.
  • Mr Friel is part of a cluster group of Principals in the Derry area, which meets regularly to share expertise and resources, and which lobbies the appropriate bodies to ensure the best possible provision for all our schools.
  • Mr Friel is also a member of the Culmore Community Partnership, which provides family and other services. CCP staff are dedicated to improving the recreational and community provision in the wider Culmore area, including the proposed development of the Culmore Country Park, and other areas in Culmore.
  • The school works with the APEX housing association on programmes such as the Verbal Well-being programme, and on supporting individual families.
  • Our Sport, Special Needs, Music, Literacy, Nursery and Numeracy Coordinators are all part of cluster groups, working with other schools to enhance outcomes for our pupils in a range of academic, sporting, musical and artistic/expressive areas.
  • Hollybush is a member of the Outer North Extended Schools’ Programme in association with the Greater Shantallow Area Partnership and a large number of local schools, which helps us provide programmes such as counselling, speech and language workshops, Yearn to Learn (Literacy and Numeracy support), parenting programmes and full access to the resources of the Ethos Family Hub at Northside Village, which has provided much needed support to some of our families over the years.
  • We enjoy a very good relationship with many of our local businesses, including Nearby Culmore, Spar Culmore and Original Heating on the Culmore Road, all of whom support the work of the school through sponsorship and general support with programmes throughout the year.
  • We host public consultations for Derry and Donegal County Council on issues such as the new Greenway, and we act as a polling station for elections.
  • Our choir performs in local nursing homes every Christmas and we also support local charities such as St. Vincent de Paul and the Foyle Hospice.
  • We have a very good relationship with Church of Ireland Acorn Centre’s Thursday Club, a group of senior citizens who come to the school for many of our performances, and who also work with our pupils on activities such as making St. Brigid’s Crosses. We have plans to further extend this relationship.
  • Hollybush is fortunate enough to have very committed grandparents and family members who help out with extra-curricular activities. Currently, this programme of support helps us to provide Irish Lessons from Primaries 5-7, Netball, Swimming and Spanish. We also have a former parent who coordinates the extensive gardening programme of the school.
  • We have strong links with our local GAA clubs; Na Magha, Culmore Cú Chulainns and Steelstown Brian Ogs. We are an active member of the Derry City Cumann na mBunscol which develops and promotes gaelic games in the city.
  • We support Culmore Youth Football Club and are developing a strong working relationship with their governing officers.

10 2025
Mid Term Break
26 2025
17 2025
St Patrick's Day holiday
26 2025
First Confession
17 2025
Easter holidays
10 Ardan Road,
BT48 8JN,

028 7135 2202

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