It is the policy of the Board of Governors and staff of Hollybush Primary School and Nursery unit to provide every child with a broad and balanced education. This will be done in keeping with the requirements of the Revised Northern Ireland Curriculum and in keeping with the children’s age and ability. Within the curriculum provision is made to address:
(a) The 6 areas of learning relevant to the Nursery Curriculum:
1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
2. Physical Development and Movement
3. Language Development and Literacy
4. Mathematical Development and Numeracy
5. The Arts
6. The World Around Us
(b) The 7 main areas of study in the Foundation Stage and Primary Curriculum:
1. Language and Literacy
2. Mathematics and Numeracy
3. The Arts (Music, Drama, Art)
4. The World Around Us (Geography, History, Sciences and Technology)
5. Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (focusing on emotional development, social skills, health, relationships and sexuality, educational and mutual understanding in the local and global community)
6. Physical Education and Personal Development
7. Religious Education
Through the effective delivery of the Revised Curriculum we aim to develop the children’s
- Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities (Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Self Management, Working with Others, Managing Information and Being Creative
- Cross Curricular Skills (Communication, Using Mathematics, Using ICT
- Irish Language Lessons are delivered to pupils in Key Stage 2 by a qualified Irish Teacher. These lessons promote a sense of culture, traditional heritage and progressive language skills